Thursday, 26 February 2015

Dysfunctional Minds Create Destruction!

 Abu Musa Al-Ash’ary narrated: The Prophet (God’s blessings be upon him) said:   “Near the befalling of the Hour [the end of the world], there will be much killing taking place”.  The audience asked: Will it be more than the scale of killing we inflict on enemies today? The   Prophet answered: “No, it is not your killing of enemies; it is rather inter-killing among yourselves”. They asked again: And will that happen while we have our minds? The Prophet answered: “the minds of people of that age will be dysfunctional!”
(Sahih [The Correct Compilation of] Ibnu Habban).

Many Muslims all over the world today feel bewildered because of conflicting situations. They find almost everywhere tyrant authorities torturing and killing innocent people, bombing and destroying houses, and expelling so many families from their homes and countries, yet they claim that they do this to defend their countries from terrorists who are now spreading so fast. At the same time, those terrorists, who carry out almost the same brutal actions, claim that they do so to change the situation to the better. Strange enough, some of them even claim that they are applying Islamic law or Shari’ah.

In reality, both parties are losing their conscious minds as has been described by the Prophet (peace and God’s blessings upon him) quoted above. And in another hadith, the Prophet said: “Near the befalling the Hour there will be days during which ignorance (of religious teachings) will spread, knowledge (of religion) will be vanish; and there will be much killing” (Narrated by Abdullah and Abu Musa, rported by Al-Bukhari in his “Collection of Hadith).

For all this, it is important for Muslims to remain steadfast in the straight path, which shields them from the evils of the two kinds of wrongdoers mentioned above and enables them to overcome them. God says: “So be steadfast (in the straight path) as you have been commanded (by God), and all who, with you, have turned unto Him; and let none of you behave in an overweening manner: for, verily, He sees all that you do” (11:112).

This steadfastness is very important especially when people of power and in position of control follow their desires. The observance of our duty of steadfastness is made possible by the fact that God has granted us the right guidance: “Then We set you upon a (clear) course of the commandment, so follow it, and do not follow the desires of those who do not know” (45:18).

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