Saturday, 30 August 2014

“The Light” We Need

              “O mankind! A manifestation of the truth has
                now come unto you from your Lord, and We
                have sent down unto you a clear Light”
                                                                        (Qur’an, 4:174)

The “light” mentioned in the above verse is the Qur’an.
Indeed the Qur’an is a spiritual illumination preeminent for mankind. It gives information about the creation as a whole, and about many of them in details. It gives us information about the spiritual entity of human being and all spiritual beings around us.
It also tells us about the Creator’s attributes and the way we communicate with Him: “God, there is no god except Him, the Ever-Living, the Eternal Sustainer. Slumber does not seize Him, neither sleep; to Him belongs all that is in the heavens and the earth; who is there, that shall intercede with Him save by His leave? He knows what lies before them, and what is after them; and they encompass nothing of His knowledge, save such as He wills. His Throne subsumes (or: His eternal power overspreads) the heavens and the earth; the preserving
 of them wearies Him not; He is the Sublime, the Tremendous”  (2:255).

The Qur’an clarifies the purpose of our existence and what will be after death. It illuminates mankind so that they may see, observe and search, to comprehend the nature of each creature, which can be of a benefit to them.

“Verily, this Qur’an guides to all that is most upright, and gives the believers who do righteous deeds the glad tiding that there is a great reward for them” (17:9).
The Qur’an “guides to all that is most upright” because there is no ordinance which was ordained by God and discovered unfit. On the contrary we know that in some countries, after legislating a law which was thought good, after sometime it was found out to be unfit for the society. For instance: some countries legislated the unlawfulness of divorce between a married couple, then, after a long bad experience they found out that in some circumstances divorce was inevitable. The Qur’an, with God’s wisdom, considers divorce, in certain circumstances, and after measures to reconcile have been exhausted, an “undesirable” but necessary solution.

All rituals including the prescribed washing, ablution, prayers, fasting, hajj (pilgrimage to Makkah) and some other rituals are prescribed for very beneficial purposes, spiritually as well as socially or individually, and even physically.
The Qur’an insists that those who attained to faith have to act all their dealings with correctness, righteousness and justice: “O you who have attained to faith! Remain conscious of God, and be among those who are true to their word!” (9:119).

And although justice and virtues are recommended, the Qur’an asks for something more human: the doing of good deeds and behaving correctly towards others: “Behold, God enjoins justice, and the doing of good, and generosity towards (one’s) fellow-men; and He forbids all that is shameful and all that runs counter to reason, as well as envy; (and) He exhorts you (repeatedly) so that you might bear (all this) in mind. And be true to your bond with God whenever you bind yourselves by a pledge, and do not break (your) oaths after having (freely) confirmed them and having called upon God to be witness to your good faith: behold God knows all that you do” (16:90-91).

There is a parable in the Qur’an illustrating this Light as follows: “God is the Light of the heavens and the earth. The likeness of His Light is as a niche wherein is a lamp. The lamp is in a glass; the glass as it were a glittering star kindled from a Blessed Tree, an olive neither of the east nor of the west, whose oil would almost glow forth (of itself), though no fire touched it. Light upon light. God is guiding to His Light whom He will. And God strikes similitudes for men, for God is Knower of all things” (24:35).

But we have to beware while reading “God is the Light...”. We should not define God as anything of His created being because “There is nothing like Him” (42:11), and “No vision can encompass Him, whereas He encompasses all visions” (6:103). It is only alluding to the light, which He, who is the Ultimate Truth, bestows upon the minds and the feelings of those who have attained to faith.
Then He tells us that Light as a lamp in a niche. This lamp is in a sparkling glass as if it were a glittering star, because it is kindled by very clear and bright oil, for it is from a blessed olive tree which is neither of the east nor of the west, so that it would shine intensely although no fire touched it.
At last God says: “Light upon light”, light of the faith which is in the heart and mind of a believer, and “Light” of the revealed verses of the Qur’an which could illuminate his mind and feelings.

Indeed all verses of the Qur’an are the Light we always need, yet it is worth here mentioning the following verse, which resembles a torch leading mankind in the darkness: “And your Lord has decreed that you worship none save Him and kindness to parents. If they should reach old age with you, one of them or both then do not say to them: ¨Fie¨ nor repulse them, but speak to them gracious words. And lower to them the wing of humility out of mercy and say (in prayer to God): My Lord, have mercy on them, just as they reared me when I was little. Your Lord knows best what is in your hearts. If you are righteous, then truly, to those who are penitent He is Forgiving. And give the kinsman his due, and the needy and the traveller (as well); and do not squander. Indeed squanderers are brothers of devils, and the Devil was ever ungrateful to his Lord” (17:23-27).

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