A “community” is a
group of people who have the same interests, religion, race, etc. But what I
would like to discuss here is the case of a great number of people spread all
over the world: the Muslim “Ummah”.
The terminology “Ummah”
is used in the Qur’an to describe people who have the same interests, endeavors
and goals, while upright in following God’s ordinances. Probably close to the
term “fraternity”: “Surely, this ummah (= fraternity) of yours is a unique one, and I am
your Lord, so worship Me (alone)” (21:92).
The Qur’an praises
those people, who accepted the guidance of the last Prophet Muhammad (God’s
blessings upon him), based on the revelation of God: “You are indeed the best ummah
that has been brought forth for (the good of) mankind: you enjoin the doing of
what is right and forbid the doing of what is wrong; and you have faith in God
.. “ (3:110).
When the Qur’an
was revealed and the Prophet was spreading its message to all people around
him, among them were “people of the Book” (meaning Christians and Jews) who
claimed to follow the earlier revelations. They were all supposed to follow the
Qur’an too, which is the last version of all God’s revelations. God has already mentioned in the original
Torah and Gospel, that when the last Prophet comes all followers of those
Prophets have to follow him, and the earlier Prophets had given the pledge that
they would (see Qur’an, 3:81).
In the Old
Testament (Deut. Xviii.18) “Muhammad” is foretold and the rise of Arab nation is
mentioned in Isiah.xii.11. for Kadar was a son of Ismail and the name is used
for the Arab nation. In the New Testament as it now exists, “Muhammad” is also foretold (in the Gospel of St. John.xiv.16, xv.26, and xvi.7). The future
“Comforter” translated from the Greek word “paracletos” which is an easy
corruption from “periclytos”, which is almost a literal translation of
“Muhammad” or “Ahmad” (See: Abdullah
Yusuf Ali’s note on his Translation of the Qur’an).
But both
Christians and Jews, except some of them, do not accept Islam. So the
revelation came: “.. Now if the followers of earlier revelation had attained to (this)
faith, it would have been for their own good, (but only few) among them are
having the faith, while most of them are iniquitous” (3:110).
Only a small
number of them accepted, others not only refused the call, but most of the Jews
who were living in Medinah and the neighborhood, plotted with the pagans to
attack the Prophet and his followers.
The Qur’an praised
the Jews and the Christians who accepted the call of God as follows: “They
are not all alike; some of the people of the Scripture are upright ones, they recite
God’s verses in the watches of the night, prostrate themselves. They do have
faith in God and in the Last Day, enjoin the doing of what is right and forbid
the doing of what is wrong, and vie with one another in doing good works: and
these are among the righteous” (3:113-114).
The necessity of uprightness
What absolutely
needed for the Muslim Ummah today is the necessity of uprightness in behavior. The
Muslim Ummah should follow the footsteps of God’s messengers.
God says: “We
have indeed sent Our messengers with clear signs, and We revealed with them the
Scripture and (thus gave you) a Balance (wherewith to weigh right and wrong),
so that mankind may uphold justice. And We sent down iron wherein is great
might, and (many) uses for mankind, and so that God might mark out those who
would stand up for Him and His messengers, even though (He Himself) is beyond
the reach of human perception. Verily God is Powerful, Almighty!” (57:25).
God is calling
those who have attained to faith to be upright and steadfast in upholding
justice in all domains of life:
“O you who have attained to
faith! Be ever upright in justice, bearing witness to the truth for the sake of
God; even though it be against yourselves, or parents and kinsmen; whether the
person concerned be rich or poor, God is closer to the two. So do not follow
your own whim, lest you swerve from justice, for if you twist, or refrain,
surely God is aware of what you do” (4:135).
This uprightness needs
perseverance from all members of the Ummah to be steadfast in exercising their
duty towards God who entrusts them to implement His ordinances in all domains of life.
God says: “O
you who have attained to faith! Surrender yourselves wholly unto God, and
follow not Satan’s footsteps, for, verily, he is your open foe” (2:208).
Satan’s footsteps
are all kinds of men-made rules or behavior, which are contradictory to God’s
Certainly, all
nations need to come up with rules for themselves to cover their needs for
societies’ regulation, but for Muslims, everything should be within the frame
of God’s ordinances and not out of it.
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