Abbas bin Abdul-muttalib narrated that he
heard the Prophet (God’s blessings upon him)
saying: “Surely
he has found the sweet taste
of faith, whoever contents
with (the only) God
as his Lord, Islam as his
way-of-life and
Prophet Muhammad as God’s messenger”
(Bukhari and Tirmidhi in
their Collections of Hadith).
In so many of his
sayings, we find Prophet Muhammad (God’s blessings upon him) often used a style
of words describing invisible realities with tangible things, in order to make
them clearer to people easier for them to visualize. In this Hadith (= saying
of the Prophet) he used “sweet taste of
faith” which can be attained by those who feel the satisfaction of having
God as their Lord, Islam as a way of life and Prophet Muhammad as the Messenger
of God.
This is one of the
ways the Prophet used to guide his followers to increase their spirit,
candidly, to live according to God’s ordinances.
In the Qur’an we
find as follows: “Truly those who declare: Our Lord is God, and then steadfastly pursue
the right way – upon them do angels often descend, (saying:) Fear not and
grieve not, but receive the glad tiding of that paradise which has been
promised to you! We are your close supporters in the life of this world and
(will be so) in the life to come; and in that (life to come) you shall have all
that your selves may desire and in it you shall have all that you ever prayed
for: as a hospitality from One Forgiving, Merciful. And who could be better in
speech than him who calls (his fellow-men) to God, and does what is just and
right, and says: verily I am of those who have submit (to God)?” (41:30-33).
The contentment of
a believer, that God is his Lord, that Islam is his way-of-life and that
Prophet Muhammad is God’s messenger, makes him cheerfully declare, “my Lord is
God”. And this declaration is not merely an utterance by mouth, but is strengthened
by clear actions and good deeds in his everyday life, according to God’s
ordinances, by making the Prophet his role model. As God ordered in the Qur’an:
in the Messenger of God you have a good example for everyone who looks forward
(with hope and awe) to God and the Last Day, and remembers God profusely” (33:21).
Hence he may
surely be proud of being a Muslim among others. So we can see clearly here,
that a mere allegation that one is a Muslim does not mean anything in the sight
of God. One must prove his claim by concrete actions and good behavior in the
life of this world.
God also says: “Say
(O Prophet): If you (plural) really love God, follow me (and) God will love you
and forgive you your sins, for God is much-Forgiving, a Merciful. Say: Obey God
and the Messenger. And if they turn away – verily, God does not love those who
deny the truth” (3:31-32).
But it should be
clear, that when the Qur’an incites faithful Muslims to obey the Messenger of
God, it does not mean they should exaggerate in praising and describing him. The
Prophet himself was very humble in dealing with people.
God says in the
Qur’an: “And We did not send you, except as a mercy to all the worlds” (21:107).
Yes, by the mercy of God to this Prophet brought out an extremely gentle nature,
which endeared him to all: “It was by the mercy of God that you were
lenient to them; had you been harsh and fierce of heart, they would have
dispersed from about you. So pardon them, and ask (God) forgiveness for them,
and consult them in all matters (of public concern); then once you have taken a
decision (upon a course of action) place your trust in God: for God loves those
who rely (0n Him)” (3:159).
Omar bin
al-Khattab narrated; I heard the Prophet
(God’s blessings upon him) saying: “do
not exaggerate in praising me, as the Christians praised the Son of Mary, for I
am only God’s slave. So, call me the slave of God and His messenger” (Al-Bukhari in his Collection of Hadith). By obeying the Prophet it is meant to obey
God’s ordinances.
Anas bin Malik
narrated the saying of the Prophet (God’s blessings upon him):
are three qualities that whoever possesses will surely taste the sweetness of
1. That
he loves God and His Messenger more than anything else;
2. That
whenever he loves a person, he should love him only for the sake of God; and
That he detests reverting to disbelief as
he detests to be thrown into the Hell-Fire”
(Al-Bukhari in
his Collection of Hadith).
If a person has an
earthly attachment to comforts, profits and pleasures more than he loves God,
and therefore fails in responding to God’s consciousness, then he is in danger
of becoming wicked in the sight of God. And it means that he will not taste the
sweetness of faith.
God says: “Say:
if your fathers (means: paternal
and maternal) and your children, and
your spouses, and your clan, and the worldly goods which you have acquired, and
the commerce thereof you fear a decline, and the dwellings in which you take
pleasure – (if all these) are dearer to you than God and His Messenger and the
struggle in His cause, then wait until God makes manifest His will; and (know
that) God does not guide the wicked folk” (9:24).
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