“Is he who knows that what was revealed
to you from your Lord
is the truth, like him
who is blind? Only
those who exploit their
hearts will understand
it: those who fulfill
God’s Covenant and do not break the Pact”
(Qur’an, 13:19-20)
In the last
Reflection I have concluded that it is essential for human beings to properly exploit
the faculties endowed to them by God. Here I will try to reflect on God’s
statement that those who can understand the truth of the Qur’an are only the
people who exploit their hearts properly. And the consequence: they fulfill God’s Covenant.
Human being has
moral and social responsibilities. For this purpose, God ordains every person
who believes in Him to be true to his covenants. And there are three kinds of
covenants to be fulfilled: covenant between God and man, covenant between man
and his own soul and covenant between man and his fellow-men: “O
you who have attained to faith, be true to your covenants!” (5:1).
The first Covenant
According to the
Qur’an the ability to perceive the existence of the Supreme Power as the Lord
(who cherishes and sustains him) is inborn in every individual of Mankind: “And
when your Lord took out the offspring from the loins of the Children of Adam
and made them bear witness about themselves: Am I not your Lord? And they
replied: Yes, indeed, we bear witness. So you cannot say on the Day of Resurrection:
we were not aware of this; or: it was our forefathers who, before us, ascribed
partners to God, and we are only the descendants who came after them, will You
destroy us because of falsehoods they invented?” (7:172-173).
Because of His
mercy, God sent His revelations to Mankind through messengers chosen among
every nation to remind their people of God’s covenant, and revive the concealed
cognition of the lordship of God in their deep insight.
God says in the
Qur’an: “This (message) is no less than a reminder to all mankind, to every one
of you who wills to take the straight way. But you cannot will it unless God,
the Lord of all the worlds, wills” (81:27-29).
The second Covenant
Between man and
his own soul. This is very important to be reflected on, because one is often inattentive
to what his existence is for. The Qur’an says: “Verily, We have created human
being into (a life of) pain, toil, and trial. Does he, then, think that no one
has power over him? He boasts: I have spent wealth abundant. Does he, then,
think that no one sees him? Have We not given him two eyes, and a tongue, and a
pair of lips, and shown him the two highways (of good and evil)? Yet he has not
attempted the steep path!” (90:4-11).
The Qur’an reminds
us that on the Day of Resurrection each person will be apprised of what he has
done and what he left undone, and his body particles shall be eye-witnesses
(see: 24:24), even though he may veil himself in excuses (see 75: 14-15).
The third Covenant
Between man and
his fellow-men. God has ordained the relationship between husband and wife,
which the Qur’an considers as intimate and privy, so that each of them lives in
serenity with the other, and considers their bond a solemn pledge (see: 30:29
and 4:21). And God asks every person (man or woman) not to covet that what God
has preferred some above others, because God wants to examine all of them by
His will (see 4:32). He also ordered every one to do good to one’s parents, next
of kin, orphans, the needy, the neighbor from among one’s own people, the
neighbor who is a stranger, the friend by one’s side and the wayfarer (see 4:36).
Furthermore: “Behold,
God enjoins justice, and the doing of good, and generosity towards (one’s)
fellow-men; and He forbids all that is shameful, and all that is blameworthy,
and oppressive. He exhorts you so that you might bear (all this) in mind” (16:90).
To conclude and
reflect on what is mentioned above, we can say that God’s Covenant also
includes the importance of good relations between people, as it is a part of
the great Covenant:
“O mankind, be mindful of
your Lord who has created you out of one living entity, and out of it created
its mate, and out of the two spread abroad a multitude of men and women. And
remain mindful of God, in whose Name you demand (your rights) from one another,
and of these ties of kinship. Verily God is ever watchful over you” (4:1).
“and fulfill the Covenant; surely the
Covenant shall be asked about (on the Day of Resurrection)” (17:34).
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