“Alif laam ra. A Book We have revealed
to you that you may bring forth mankind
from darkness into light by the leave of
their Lord to the WAY OF THE
THE PRAISED, GOD, to Whom belongs all
that is in the heavens and all that is on
earth. And woe to the disbelievers from a
terrible chastisement” (14:1-2).
Human being who
was bestowed with multiple faculties, can have great ideas, unlimited vision
and imagination. At the same time she/he is imbued with an innate sense of
moral failings as well as with a consciousness of God (see: Qur’an, 91:8). She/he
is inadequate, hasty and easy to be deceived by glittering materials and false
delights. But she/he has been given God’s guidance through His messengers,
which can guide him/her to the Straight Way of God and drive away all obstacles
she/he may face.
Being given the
mastership among all inhabitants of the planet (31:20 and 45:12-13), human
being is ordered by his/her Creator to live peacefully and harmonious with the
environment, thus be able to initiate and develop civilization by following
God’s guidance. God says in the Qur’an: “And that if they stand firm on the STRAIGHT
WAY, We shall certainly shower them with blessings abundant” (72:16).
To trace a
material way is easy if one takes all necessary means, by investigation. But
because of the complexity of the human self, it is not easy to remain steadfast
tracing the Straight Way to God, even after one has found it through the
Messenger’s guidelines, except with deep cautiousness. Beside mankind, there
are other inhabitants on this earth, the invisible Jinn. Some of them are
submitted to God’s ordinances, but many are the followers of Iblis, the Satan,
whom God has warned mankind to be cautious of.
God says: “O
children of Adam! Indeed We have bestowed upon you from on high (the knowledge
of making) garments to cover your nakedness, and as a thing of beauty: and the
garment of taqwa (= God-consciousness) that is best; herein lies one of God’s signs,
so that they might take it to heart. O children of Adam! Let not Satan tempt
you, as he caused your parents to go forth from the garden, stripping them of
their garments to manifest to them their shameful parts. Surely he (= Satan)
sees you, he and his tribe from where you do not see them. Verily, We have
placed (all manner of) satanic forces near to those who do not (truly) believe”
Among the most
grievous problems for mankind, in all times, is the indecency in clothing, or near-nakedness,
through which usually lust flames among young men or women, thus encouraging
Islam encourages decency and modesty, as it prevents human beings from
indulging into indecency and obscenity. If one lacks modesty, desires will lay
complete hold of him/her and he/she will not hesitate to indulge into sin.
Modesty is a strong moral deterrent against all evil inclinations.
Abu Hurairah reported : The Prophet (peace
and God’s blessings be upon him) said: “Al-Imaan (= the Faith) has over seventy
branches –or over sixty branches- the uppermost of which is the declaration
that none has the right to be worshipped but God (alone); and the least of
which is the removal of harmful object from the road, and MODESTY is a branch
of faith” (Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim in both their Collections of Hadith).
If MODESTY is the outward side of Muslim characteristics, the taqwa (=
God-consciousness) is the inward and the motivating power for them to keep
following the STRAIGHT WAY, and following the examples of the blessed Prophet.
God said to the Prophet in the Qur’an (and to all its Muslim readers): “Say:
Behold, my Lord has guided me onto a STRAIGHT WAY through an ever-true faith,
the way of Abraham, who turned away from all that is false, and was not of
those who ascribe divinity to aught beside Him. Say: Behold, my prayer, and
(all) my acts of worship, and my living and my dying are for God (alone), the
Sustainer of all worlds, in whose divinity none has a share: for thus have I
been bidden – and I shall (always) be foremost among those who surrender
themselves unto Him” (6:161-163).
Human beings
cannot steadfastly continue tracing this STRAIGHT WAY without helping
themselves with regular prayer to God at given times. This is why every Muslim
has to observe and “utilize” this “vehicle”, saying at least seventeen times a
day: “(O God) guide us the STRAIGHT WAY,
the Way of those upon whom You have bestowed Your blessings, not of those who
have been condemned (by You), nor of those who go astray!”
If such
supplication is made earnestly, it will
impact upon the supplicant and will enable him/her to hinder the satanic forces
and influence on him/her.
To be firm on the
STRAIGHT WAY, one should always be careful in following God’s ordinances, for
example: “Behold, God enjoins JUSTICE, and THE DOING OF GOOD, and GENEROSITY
towards (one’s) fellow-men; and He forbids all that is shameful, and all that
runs counter to reason, as well as envy; (and) He exhorts you (repeatedly) so
that you might bear (all this) in mind. And be true to your bond with God
whenever you bind yourselves by a pledge, and do not break (your) oaths after
having (freely) confirmed them and having called upon God to be witness to your
good faith: behold, God knows all that you do” (16:90-91).
That is the
STRAIGHT WAY which has been traced by all messengers of God to guide people to
the right path and to build human civilization of justice, and we have the
obligation to follow their steps: “Say (o Prophet): This is my WAY: Resting
upon conscious insight accessible to reason, I am calling unto God – I and they
who follow me. And (say:) Limitless is God in His glory, and I am not
one of those who ascribe divinity to aught beside Him” (12:108).
To people
ascribing another divinity beside God, as they used to follow the doctrines of
“great philosophers” even if those doctrines are contradictory to God’s
ordinances, God says clearly: “Follow what has been sent down unto you by
your Lord, and follow no masters other than Him. How seldom do you keep this in
mind!” (7:3). This is the
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