Friday, 8 May 2015

Pattern For A Moderate Nation

                              “And thus have We willed you to be
                               a Moderate Nation (justly balanced),
                               so that (with your lives) you might
                               bear witness (to the truth) before
                               Mankind, and that the Messenger
                               might bear witness to it before you..”
                                                               (Qur’an, 2:143).

Genuine Muslim individuals are collectively the best nation, a Moderate Nation, which should become a pattern for all other nations, at any time, as God wanted them to be. This can only happen, when they achieve a justly balanced standard in their conducts, like what took place at the time of the Last Prophet (peace and God’s blessings be upon him), and a few centuries after him. And God described it in the Qur’an as follows: “You have become the best nation ever brought forth to men, (as long as you are firmly) bidding to honor, and forbidding dishonor, and believing in God. And had the people of the Scripture believed (in this last message) it would have been better for them; some of them are believers, but the most of them are wicked” (3:110).

The best nation are people who:
1.   firmly have faith in God, in the Resurrection Day, in the Angels, in the Prophets, in the messengers of God and in the messages they brought.
2.    spend out of what have been provided to them for the orphans, the needy, to free people from bondage etc.
3.   constantly observe the obligatory prayers.
4.   pay the purifying alms for people in need.
5.   fulfill their covenant when they have engaged in a covenant.
6.   endure with fortitude misfortune, hardship and peril (2:177).
7.   pay special esteem to their parents (even if they are not of the same religion) (31:14-15).
8.   are upright before God, are witnesses in equity, have no hatred towards people, which might cause them not to be just (5:8); are upright in justice, are witnesses for God, even though it be against themselves or parents and kinsmen (4:135).
9.   should treat people of other religions kindly, as long as they are not enemies and cause no peril (60:8).

God warns Muslims not to say one thing and do another “it is greatly loathsome to God that you say what you do not do”. Muslims are ordered to have their deeds correspond to their assertions of faith (61:2-4). The brotherhood of Muslims should eliminate any tribal or ethnical ardent zeal toward one another (49:10-11).

To be given the opportunity to become the Pattern of a Moderate Nation is indeed a great grace from God, and at the same time it is a great task and responsibility.
Shamefully, the Muslim “Ummah” (= Nation) has been absent from the world scene since centuries now. They are no more the pattern, they are no more the example to follow. They are just a marginalized nation, because they do not fulfill their duties. They are heedless of God’s warning: “…and if you turn away (from God’s guidance), He will replace you with another people, and they will not be the likes of you” (47:38).

God wants to show Muslims that they must strive and fulfill all duties correctly and use all their power (intellectually and materially) to deserve God’s help. If they disobey God’s orders and reject His discipline, they must attribute the defect and humiliation to themselves and not to God (3:165).

God has given many examples of various nations in ancient times, of their conducts, of the result of their actions and of what happened to them: “Ways of life have passed away before you; so travel in the land (study the history of nations) and behold how was the end of those who denied (God’s guidance)! (3:137).

The Qur’an urges its readers to the necessity of learning from man’s past experiences: “Verily there is in their stories a lesson for people of understanding” (12:111).

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