The Qur’an so often points
out that the destiny of a person
depends on his own deeds, good or evil. And the doctrine of personal
responsibility is insisted upon, no one can bear the burden of another:
“And every human being’s destiny We have
tied to his neck; and on the Day of
Resurrection We shall bring forth for him a record which he will find wide
open; and he will be told: Read this your record! Sufficient is your own self
today to make out your account. Whoever chooses to follow the right path,
follows it but for his own good; and whoever goes astray, goes but astray to
his own hurt; and no bearer of burdens shall be made to bear another’s burden.
Moreover, We would never chastise (any community for the wrong they may do) ere
We have sent a messenger (to them)” (17:
And human beings were not
created to be left aimless: “Does human being suppose that he is to be
left aimless?” (75: 36). But they were created for a certain purpose: “And
I have not created the jinn and mankind to any end other than that they may
(know and) worship Me. No sustenance do I ever demand of them, nor do I demand
that they feed Me” (51: 56-57). Then the purpose of the creation of
mankind is that they become “the vicegerent (of God) on earth” (2:
30). And for that God has imparted to them the capacity of cognition of the
existence of God and the capacity of understanding the nature of all visible
beings around them, and to know how to use them for developing their life on
earth, as God says: “He it is Who created FOR YOU
all that is in the earth, then He turned to heaven and leveled them seven
heavens and He has knowledge of all things” (2: 29). “And He has MADE
SUBSERVIENT TO YOU, (as a gift) from Himself, all that is in the heavens and on
earth: Surely in that there are signs for a people who reflect” (45:
There is also a statement of
the Great Prophet Muhammad (blessings of God be upon him) which was reported by
so many of the companions of the Prophet, and recorded by many of important
collectors of Hadith (Al-Bukhari, Muslim, Abu-Dawood and Tirmidzi) as follows: “All of you are guardians and all of you
are accountable on things which are under their disposals. The head of State or
of an organism is accountable on what is under his disposal. The housewife in
her home is accountable on what is under her disposal. The worker is
accountable on things under his disposal. The husband is accountable on his
responsibility. Each of you is a guardian over his dependents, and is
accountable on his disposal”.
So it is clear, that in Islam,
every one is responsible for something. No one is excepted (of course unless
the mad ones). This is inconsistent with the doctrine that God has created
human being as the vicegerent on earth. He is given a lot of freedom to act,
but is responsible and accountable, after the end of his task’s period during
his life.
This is the real justice..!
This is the real equality. . .! This is
the real freedom !
Here we can understand that
God incites every person to do the best he or she can do for the development of
human civilization and to get its fruit in the Hereafter, if his or her deed is
done for the sake of God’s contentment and according to His ordinances. We find
in the Qur’an God’s saying: “And for all shall be judged according to
what they have done, and your Lord is not unaware of what they do. And your
Lord is self-sufficient, limitless in His grace. If He so wills He may put an
end to you and thereafter cause whom He wills to succeed you – even as He has brought you into
being out of other people’s seed” (6: 132-133).
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