Saturday, 27 February 2016

The Real Terrorists

In English dictionaries “terrorism” means the use of violent acts to frighten people in an area as a way of trying to achieve a political goal. And a terrorist is someone who uses violent acts to frighten people in an area as a way of trying to achieve a political goal. But in today’s political talks and media they use this term only to describe ISIS (Daesh in Arabic) and in doing so, they often accuse Islam of being the originator of terrorism. So the terminology of “terrorismhas become rather obscure today.

The great Powers and all countries ruled by dictators claim to fight against terrorists, while most of the victims in Syria were killed by the bombings of the Russian invaders or by the Syrian tyrant and his allies’ militias. Millions of people fled from their homes because of those brutal shelling, and small part caused by so-called ISIS. And even this ISIS organization is certainly one among the tools of those who claim to be fighting terrorists.

The organization “Isis” (in Arabic Daesh) consists of three elements: The first is a group of extremist Muslims who used to be with Alqaeda of Ben Laden; the second is a group of broker-dealers who are secretly used by Big Anarchists (USA, Russia, Iran and the Syrian Tyrant); and the third is their troops who are among the deceived unemployed youth, who are being manipulated.

In the forties of last century, the big powers succeeded in expulsing millions of Palestinians from their country and established a state called “Israel”. Since 2011 they also succeeded in using wicked policies to urge their “westernised” agents to campaign against the revolutionists (and specially against the moderate Islamic trend), and to create the “Creative Chaos” in the whole Middle East, a situation already predicted by the then Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.

Now all tyrants or dictators of the world, while oppressing their people, claim to be fighting terrorists. Even the foundling state (Israel) while oppressing the Palestinian Resistance, claims it is fighting “terrorists”.

Authorities in America and Europe accuse the Islamic education of being the originator of extremism and terrorism in the world, while everyone knows that in all religions and non-religious philosophies there are extremists too.

For centuries Western armies were colonizing almost all Muslim countries, and supervising their curricula. Why are they now saying that the Islamic teaching is the source of terrorism? What about the anarchy of those non Muslims in different countries of the world, and what about the cruelties they have done and are still doing against humanity?

Who has massacred and wiped out entire populations and civilizations in North and South America in the previous centuries? Who dropped atomic bombs on Nagasaki and Hiroshima?  Who has interfered in Vietnam in the last century with intense killing and devastation of the country for more than ten years ? There however, the Vietnam resistance forced the invaders to withdraw with frustration. The casualty was of over 200’000 vietnamese and nearly 60’000 soldiers of the US army.
Who has invaded Iraq using illicit weapons and caused millions of people as victims and destroyed most the country’s basic structures and millions fled out the country? Who used to smash people in Yemen, Afghanistan and Libya by drones?

Who is helping tyrants in Egypt with weapons to crash the ill-treated people claiming that they are fighting terrorism? Who has given the Mullah regime military and political facilities to penetrate Iraq and Syria when the Iraqi territory was under the American occupation? And who has urged the Iranian regime to create disturbance in the Arabian Peninsula? Who is arming the Kurd rebels in North Syria to disturb Turkey? And last but not least, who is arming the Zionists with the most modern weapons to crash the Palestinians in their own country?
Anyone who observes thoroughly the world politics can figure out who the terrorists, the anarchists, and the criminals of the world really are.

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