Wednesday, 6 January 2016

God’s Signs & The Ability To Observe Them

                             “Do they not contemplate the Qur’an? Or
                             are there locks upon their hearts?”
                                                   (Qur’an, 47:24)

Every verse or group of verses in the Qur’an are called ayah (pl. ayat), which means sign. The verse is called a sign, because it is regarded as an indication or evidence of the truth contained in the Qur’an.

Moreover, there are many verses in the Qur’an calling human beings to observe intensely all of God’s creation in the heavens and on earth, which are no other than clear signs, so that they may recognize God as the Creator and the Sustainer, and the only Lord to submit to:

“Do, then, they never gaze at the rain clouds, how they are formed? And at the sky, how it is raised aloft? And at the mountains, how firmly they are reared? And at the earth, how it is spread out” (88:17-20).
“And among His signs is that He created you out of dust, then lo! you are human beings, spreading. And of His signs is that He created for you from yourselves mates that you might find peace by their side, and He ordained between you affection and mercy; surely in that there are signs for a people who reflect. And of His signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth and the differences of your tongues and your colors; surely in that there are signs for all who are possessed of (innate) knowledge. And among His signs is your sleep, at night or in daytime, as well as your (ability to go about in) quest of some of His bounties: in this, behold, there are signs indeed for people who (are willing to) listen!” (30:20-23).

So there are two kinds of God’s signs: the one kind is everywhere in the universe, and the other kind is found in the Qur’an, and which, in fact, urges human beings to contemplate God’s signs in the universe, in order to reach the truth. Reaching the truth means to know and be aware of where they come from, what their role is during their life and what their fate is after death.

It is interesting to read what the Qur’an itself tells us about the reaction of the audience while listening to the Prophet (peace and God’s blessings be upon him) reciting verses of it to them. Certainly, some people attentively used their ears and hearts and reflected on what they heard, then submitted to God, while others listened but disdained using their ears heartily: “And there are some of them who (seem to) listen while We have laid over their hearts veils which prevent them from grasping the truth, and into their ears deafness. And if they were to see every sign, they would not believe in it, so that when they come to you to argue with you, the disbelievers say: this is nothing but the fables of the ancients” (6:25).

This verse talks about those who listen to the recitation of the Qur’an without their heart for reflection and contemplation, hence, God punishes them by “laying veils over their hearts”.

What is expected from whoever wants to understand and to benefit from God’s signs is to listen (with their hearts): “Only they who listen (with their hearts) can respond to a call; and as for the dead (of hearts), God (alone) can raise them (from the dead), and then to Him they will be returned” (6:36).

Indeed, God is swift in retribution, He lays veils over the hearts of those who do not use them in a very important occasion, as for instance, in contemplating God’s revelation: “Verily, your Lord is swift in retribution, yet, behold, He is indeed Much-forgiving, a Dispenser of grace” (6:165).

Each of the human faculties was given by God for a good purpose and should be used properly, because there is a responsibility behind it: “And do not pursue that of which you have no knowledge. Indeed the hearing, and the sight, and the heart – each of these it will be questioned” (17:36). Therefore, while facing the unbelievers, the Prophet was ordered to recite this revelation: “Say: Have you considered if God were to seize your hearing and your sight, and set a seal upon your hearts, what deity but God is there that could bring it all back to you? Behold, how many facets We give to Our verses – and yet they turn away in disdain” (6:46).

Everybody has already been given the gift of hearing, sight and heart to use properly. But some people are lazy and heedless, so they will be rewarded consequently. God has
told us this clearly: “And indeed We have destined for Hell many among Jinn and Mankind: they (who) have hearts with which they fail to grasp the truth, and they have eyes with which they fail to see, and they have ears with which they fail to hear. They are like cattle – nay, they are even further astray. Those – they are the heedless” (7:179).

After all that, the Prophet (peace and God’s blessings be upon him) was ordered by God to recite: “Say: I will give you just one counsel: that you rise up for God in twos and individually, and reflect: there is no madness in your fellow (=the Prophet); he is only a warner to you before (the befalling of) a severe chastisement” (34:46).

This last verse was revealed to nullify the unbelievers’ accusation of the madness of the Prophet, who came to bring them great signs in the Qur’an, that came from God, the Lord of the universe.

And there is also in the Qur’an another defense for the great Prophet Muhammad (peace and God’s blessings be upon him) when the disbelievers accused him of being all ear, God says: “And among those (enemies of the truth) there are such as malign the Prophet by saying: He is all ear. Say: Yes, he is all ear, (listening) to what is good for you. He believes in God, and trusts the believers, and is (a manifestation of God’s) Grace towards such of you as have (truly) attached to faith. And for those who malign God’s messenger – grievous suffering awaits them (in the life to come)” (9:61).

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