Friday, 5 December 2014

God’s Mercy & Omnipotence

When we open the Holy Book, al-Qur’an, the first thing we read is “Bismillah-ir-Rahman-ir-Raheem” (= In the Name of God, the Most Merciful, the Dispenser of mercy). This is logical, if we remember that the first word revealed to the Prophet (peace and God’s blessings upon him) was “Iqraa bismi Rabbik” (= Read in the Name of your Lord!). And the Name of His Lord is “Allah”, “ar-Rahman”, “ar-Raheem”.

What is a name? A name is a word or a symbol used in logic to designate an entity. The real name of God in Arabic is “Allaah”. And He Himself says (in the Qur’an):
“And to God (alone) belong the most Beautiful Names (= the Attributes of Perfection). Invoke Him, then, by these, and stand aloof from all who distort the meaning of His attributes; they shall be requited for all that they were wont to do!” (Qur’an, 7 : 20).

“God is He, other than whom there is no deity: the One Who knows all that is beyond the reach of a created being’s perception, as well as all that can be witnessed by a creature’s senses or mind; He is the Most Merciful, the Dispenser of mercy” (Qur’an, 59:22).

There are many more Names or Attributes of God, such as:
“al-Malik” (= the Sovereign Supreme), “al-Quddoos” (= the Holy), “as-Salaam” (= the One with whom all salvation rests), “al-Mu’min” (= the Giver of Faith), “al-Muhaimin” (= the One who determines what is true and what is false), “al-‘Azeez” (= the Allmighty), “al-Jabbaar” (= the Omnipotent), “al-Mutakabbir” (= the One to whom all Greatness belongs), and many more Names or Attributes.

Some people may ask: why should God, the Most Merciful, possess attributes such as “al-Jabbar” (the Omnipotent), and “al-Qahhar” (the Compeller), while He is the Most Merciful and the Dispenser of Mercy?
If we deeply reflect on the reality of life in this world, we surely will come to understand that God has put human beings to the test and given them responsibility for as long as they shall live. They are given a certain free will and the capability to know how to manage and develop their skills in order to live in a civilized way, by following His Guidance.

Actually in reality we see so many people everywhere and all the time transgressing God’s given rules. Many people oppress others, without pity or humane feelings. Before this unjust reality, we need God’s Omnipotence to stop the absolute chaos. And for this reason God has warned them that He will not let the unjust go without punishment; sometimes their punishment will be immediate, but often He will punish the unjust only in the hereafter.
“And if God were to take mankind to task for their wrongdoing, He would not leave upon it any living being; but He gives them respite until an appointed term; and when their term comes they will not defer by a single hour nor advance” (Qur’an, 16:61).

The problem of many people is that instead of following the guidance that comes from God, or even their conscience, they follow their unfair desires at the expense of others. They do not care of wronging others if it is for their own “benefit”. But in fact, with such conduct, they will gain nothing except that they will wrong themselves and others as well.
“(By that conduct) they think that they are deceiving God and those who believe, while they are not deceiving except themselves, although they are unaware of it. There is disease in their hearts, and so God lets their disease increase; and grievous suffering awaits them because of their persistent lying” (2 : 9-10).

God has admonished them by saying: “O My servants, I have made oppression unlawful for Myself, and I made it unlawful among you all, so do not oppress one another” (God’s saying remitted by Prophet Muhammad -peace and God’s blessings upon him- and recorded by the Collector of Hadith Imam Muslim).

“Indeed to God belongs all that is in the heavens and all that is on earth: and so He will reward those who do evil in accordance with what they did, and will reward those who do good with ultimate good” (Qur’an, 53:31).

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